Saturday, July 19, 2014

Live Tweeting the 45th Anniversary of the Flight of Apollo 11

I wish I had time to do this. But there are several people on Twitter that are live tweeting the mission of Apollo 11 as it happened 45 years ago. It's pretty cool. Here's a quick list - 

@ReliveApollo11 -
@ASTVintageSpace -
 Live Tweeted the launch as it happened, and NASA Archivist Liz Suckow is live tweeting the mission here - @LizMSuckow

Check out the Hashtag - #45yearsagotoday

You can also listen to the audio feed of the entire epic lunar voyage at on

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Because It Always Bears Repeating ...

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

How Astronauts on Apollo 13 Build a CO2 Scrubber from scratch

A flight plan, a few socks, and a couple of spare filters. And blammo, you're breathing clean air again. That's There's a great article on how Apollo 13 astronauts were able to solve the issue of mounting CO2 levels on Blastr here.